Planned mentoring programs have flourished as one possible solution to the problems affecting Youths/children. Proponents of mentoring programs hypothesize that mentoring programs could be part of the answer to the problems of children; however, little research has been conducted evaluating the effectiveness of mentoring programs, despite the generally accepted belief that only positive effects can result from their implementation. The present study examines the impact of mentoring on the general development of students of Government Comprehensive Secondary School Bwari, Federal Capital Territory Abuja, Nigeria. Three hundred and nine (309-181 male and 128 female) students completed the questionnaires. They were asked to indicate their opinion on how the mentoring exercise has imparted on their general development. The validity of the questionnaire was approved by three experts in the field of educational Guidance and Counseling. The Cronbach’s alpha reliability coefficients are 0.78, 0.79 and 0.78 for cognitive development, affective development and psychomotor development, respectively. Percentage analysis showed that 67% of the students agree that the schools’ mentoring program has positive impact on their general development. The chi-square analyses indicate no significant difference between male and female students’ opinions on cognitive development, affective development and psychomotor development of the students. Interviews also show that there is an improvement of the students’ general development due to the mentoring exercise. Teachers should go extra mile in doing all they can towards the overall development of the students as they are the future Nigerians we hope to trust.